CREATECH – Creative Early Education supported by Technology for Cultural Heritage
Createch is a two-year project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program. The project is coordinated by The Association of Cultural Heritage Education in Finland (FIN) and implemented in partnership with INTO SCHOOL (FIN), La Fundación SM (ESP), KulturAll (SRB) and Harp (IT). In addition, two kindergartens from each country participate in the project.
Createch aims to develop heritage education in early childhood education. It combines creative digital pedagogy with cultural heritage education and encourages learning from local cultural environment and heritage. Project activities strengthen ECEC teachers’ skills and competencies in multidisciplinary and phenomenon-based learning, paying particular attention to children’s creative learning processes. It also strengthens children’s cultural skills, inclusion and encourages their creative production.
A phenomenon-based creative project will be implemented in the participating kindergartens in 2024-2025. Training to the teachers and workshops for the children will be organised to support project implementation. The participants explore and study cultural heritage as an everyday phenomenon by using different senses and emotions. They explore their immediate cultural environment through the layers of past, present, and future. At the end, the children create their own online 360° environment to tell their heritage story, for example, through music, video, photography, visual arts, and drama. The heritage stories are displayed in an online exhibition, which offers viewers and listeners a completely new kind of an experience.
The project also publishes a research article, a CREATECH guide and recommendations for heritage education in ECEC. For these purposes, the project’s research team conducts small-scale research.
For more information, contact the coordinator of the project Kati Nurmi / / +358 400 937 081
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